
Ergonomics deals with the links between a person, his work environment, and the tasks he has to perform. Ergonomics is basically about the connection between man and his environment, and the question is how to work correctly? The goal of ergonomics professionals is to provide workers with a healthy and comfortable work environment that will maintain health and prevent employees from working in a way that could harm them.

Ergonomics combines several professions - from health to design and social sciences. Each of these professions contributes knowledge and helps to create the most suitable work conditions.

The premise of ergonomics is simple: an employee who is comfortable and feels that he is in a safe work environment makes fewer mistakes, is more efficient, is less absent from work, and has a positive effect on his environment.

What factors should be considered to provide a healthy and comfortable work environment?

For good results and safeguarding the employees, the characteristics of the workplace must be taken into account, including the workstation, lighting, and noise. In addition, the tasks that the worker has to perform should be considered as well. Some examples are a packer in a production line that has to bend to arrange products, a salesperson in a store who has to stand for long hours and fold clothes, a person who carries heavy loads, a driver who sits throughout his working day, or an office worker who works seated in front of a computer.

Other factors to consider are the degree of stress that characterizes the work and the personal characteristics of the worker, including his age, quality of vision, physical strength, body structure, and dominant hand. By considering all the characteristics and data, it will be possible to improve the employee's work environment and make sure that it is healthy and comfortable for him.

Ergonomic consulting in office work and other jobs

Many people work in office jobs that require prolonged sitting in front of a computer. Office work is not considered physical work, yet prolonged sitting does create a burden on the body. Prolonged sitting is a significant risk factor for back pain and spinal disc herniation.

Indeed, ergonomics is often associated with office work that involves sitting in front of computers, but it is essential to emphasize that ergonomic consulting is needed, not only for office work. Office workers need a healthy and comfortable work environment - pilots, school and kindergarten teachers, drivers, industrial workers, and people who do physical work, such as agricultural or construction workers – they all need ergonomic consulting. This also applies to people who perform various actions at home, as even routine actions that are performed incorrectly can cause damage.

Ergonomic Consulting for Organizations and Employees

Ergonomic injuries are very common. Ergonomic programs are implemented in developed countries to prevent these injuries.

Ergonomic consulting provided to organizations and employees instructs them on how to conduct themselves at work and home since they can also pass on the knowledge they acquire to their family members and help them maintain their health.

Ergonomic consulting can reduce employee injuries, reduce the number of sick days, and prevent employee turnover, thus saving on training costs, improving the work, reducing burnout, and increasing employee satisfaction.

If you are interested in receiving ergonomic consulting for your organization, you are welcome to contact our company, Safety On, and we will be happy to be at your service.

You can contact us by phone email or leave your details in the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.