Which Factory is considered a Dangerous Factory?

Hazardous substances are indeed hazardous, and so, in Israel any production plant or factory that deals with hazardous substances is required to hold the right business license.

"Dangerous factory" is defined in the Regulations as a business that requires a license, as it is a business where hazardous substances are stored, processed, manufactured or sold. The definition also applies to factories where waste of hazardous substances is produced, or where hazardous substances are produced during production or processing.

In Israel, The Hazardous Substances Law of 1993 stipulates that any factory that deals with recycling, packaging, transportation, collection, sale, storage, constitutes a waste transfer station for hazardous substances, treats waste or treats used packaging, must hold an appropriate business license.

Hazardous Substances - What is the legal definition of hazardous substances?

"Hazardous substance" is a solid, liquid or gas that can cause damage to the environment, property, plants, animals or humans. There are several hazardous properties associated with hazardous substances, such as carcinogenic effect, radioactivity, toxicity, and flammability. 

It is possible to know exactly which substances are defined by law as dangerous or non-dangerous by examining The Hazardous Substances Law of 1993.  This issue is under the responsibility of the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection.

The definitions of the hazardous substances also include substances that are in small concentrations and quantities. The law, and classification and exemption regulations should be examined to understand whether a particular business with specific substances is included in the definition of the law.

What can be done to reduce the risks of hazardous substances?

In order to reduce the risks of hazardous substances, precautions must be taken during all operations handling them. These operations include the production, transportation, waste disposal, use and storage of substances.

To reduce the risks as much as possible, laws have been enacted that apply to handling hazardous substances. These laws are valid in many countries. There are also international treaties that deal with the way in which these substances are handled. In addition, any dangerous factory owner is obligated to hold a facility file, in order to deal with incidents that may occur as a result of the factory's operation and may endanger people and the environment.

Safety On - reducing risk in a "dangerous factory"

Working in a dangerous factory requires meticulous care when it comes to dealing with hazardous substances, and it is very significant that everyone present in the workplace be aware of the risks involved in doing their work, the equipment and the hazardous substances they work with, and know how to act to reduce risks and how to act in emergency situations.

If your plant is defined by law as a "dangerous factory", it is essential that you handle the safety issue very carefully and receive assistance from professionals who specialize in the field. The health of your workers and protection of the environment, animals, plants and property are under your responsibility. 

We, at Safety On, specialize in everything related to workplace safety, including dangerous factories. As part of our services, we can assist you all the way and, among other things, prepare a detailed, accurate and up-to-date facility file for the purpose of reducing risks. 

If you are interested in asking us a question or getting our services, you are welcome to contact us by phone, email or by filling in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.